Thursday, September 27, 2018 by S.D. Wells
One thing is for sure. More than 200 million Americans are completely paranoid about germs and bacteria to the extent that they’re brainwashed to believe that the human immune system is next to helpless without the assistance of a boatload of chemicals that come in the form of injections, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and home and office “disinfecting” concoctions. The mass media has terrified most Americans that if they don’t get 50 vaccines by age 7, and boosters and flu shots regularly after that, they will die some horrific death from measles, chicken pox, shingles, polio, and influenza.
The CDC has a couple hundred million “sheeple” convinced they need antibiotics in their gut, blood, and spread all over their bodies in order to keep away all those deadly germs. It’s all a Ponzi scheme to have consumers waste their money while actually severely compromising their immune systems, to the extent that they contract and spread the very infectious diseases, bacteria and viruses they were so paranoid about from the start. Imagine the irony.
Meanwhile, the FDA allows thousands of toxins to enter the food supply, with barely any regulations on personal care products or cosmetics. Plus, most prescription drugs are manufactured with chemicals that cause side effects that are worse than the conditions and symptoms being addressed. It’s all an insidious, vicious cycle that’s well planned with lots of greedy investors making a fortune off sickly, immune-compromised consumers who beg for more chemicals, unaware of the dire consequences. Yes, it’s all very scary, and that’s why you must avoid the biggest pitfalls that are all marketed to do the opposite of what they really do. Get ready.
Yes, Triclosan has become quite popular over the past few years. You find it in hand sanitizers at every office, in nearly every school classroom, and in most restaurant and store bathrooms. Triclosan is a chemical agent that reduces bacteria levels while also disrupting immune system function for humans. Oops. How? The more bacteria are regularly exposed to antibacterial “agents” – the stronger and more resistant they become. They adapt, in other words.
Did you know that 75 percent of antibiotic drugs are used on animals in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs)? That means everyone who eats their meat is consuming those antibiotics, because they’re certainly not cooked out. Then, most M.D.s sling antibiotics on their sick patients before even determining what kind of infections they have. If the patient has a viral infection, antibiotics are worse than useless. Even if the patient has a bacterial infection, the antibiotics destroy all gut bacteria ( including beneficial gut flora), thus weakening the immune system and setting up the patient for future attacks by viruses and other bacteria that are immune to antibiotics, including superbugs like MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and CRE (Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae). For some patients, science is proving that friendly flora may never fully recover from a full round of antibiotics.
Medical research conducted at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center uncovered the fact that women who received flu vaccines had a weakened immune system response the following years, including a lower antibody response the very next year. Who knew? The corporate run media, the American Medical Association, the Centers for Disease Control, your medical doctor, your nurse and your pharmacist are strictly forbidden from sharing this study, ever. It doesn’t fit the propaganda narrative that the flu shot is always “safe and effective.” In actuality, it’s the exact opposite – experimental and harmful.
The flu shot leads to an increase of influenza infections in America, as the injected sheeple become spreaders immediately after being vaccinated, plus become more susceptible to catching the flu themselves. Watch out. So when you hear on TV and from the bloody newspapers that the flu is worse this year or “spreading quickly,” you’ll know not to get the shot that’s loaded with mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. No wonder it doesn’t work.
You know that foldable device you put your food, drinks, and laptop computer on when cruising the friendly skies? That tray table, according to research, is home to more than 2,100 bacteria colony-forming units (CFUs/sq. in.) per square inch, which is more than public restroom toilet rims (108 CFUs), garbage bins (411 CFUs), or kitchen counters (361 CFUs), airport drinking fountain buttons (1,240 CFUs), and airplane seat buckles (230 CFUs). That may be the only time you may really benefit from using antibacterial hand sanitizer.
Look, over there, is it a disease, a disorder, or a weapon of mass destruction. No, wait, it’s none of those, because it’s actually called “medicine.” Though it’s the mainstream way to “fight” cancer, the irony of it all is that chemotherapy fails, on average, 97 percent of the time, and kills most of the patients who suffer its administration.
A recent study at Albert Einstein College of Medicine reveals that chemotherapy helps spread the disease of cancer. Besides the cancer simply moving to other parts of the body, the drugs provoke a repair mechanism, allowing the tumors to grow back stronger and spread more easily through blood vessel “doorways.” Thanks a lot chemo. And thanks to all those “top” oncologists who will never ever inform their patients about the Einstein Study.
Listen folks, boosting the immune system is not difficult, and does not require chemicals made in laboratories. Eating raw, organic produce is a wonderful start. Add in some key supplements like garlic, licorice root, oil of oregano, aloe, vitamin C, vitamin D, colloidal silver, amino acids, and trace minerals, and there’s not much to worry about. So turn off your television and burn that newspaper – they’re full of propaganda.
Remember, your gut bacteria is the biological seat of immunity, so keep that balance of about 85 percent good bacteria and 15 percent bad, and you’ll be able to fight off whatever comes your way.
Sources for this article include:
Tagged Under: Tags: Antibiotics, antibiotics destroy good bacteria, badhealth, Chemical exposure, chemicals, Chemotherapy, compromised immunity, CRE, Dangerous Medicine, deception, disease causes, flu shot toxic, Flu shots, germs, hand sanitizers, hospital superbugs, immune system, mrsa, superbugs, toxic chemicals, triclosan, weaken immune system