Got milk allergies? We may know the real causes. First, consider some perturbing questions: Would you inject hormones into your …
Warning: Some people may find the information in this article disturbing and the images graphic. Every year, some infants are circumcised. …
Food allergy awareness posters in elementary schools list the following 8 food products as the most popular food allergies among …
These days, tens of thousands of parents are waking up to the truth about vaccines: mainly that they aren’t exactly …
It has been more than a decade since Gardasil, the first ever vaccine specifically intended to prevent cancer, was approved …
On July 7, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tom Price announced that Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, M.D., …
With the summer fully underway, mosquitoes are more active. Hence, stories about a Zika pandemic popping up again. Just like …
Every year, doctors, employers, schools, and health authorities recommend that children and adults get a flu shot. However, the influenza …
Study after study has shown a clear link between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), yet health authorities repeatedly fail …
Fake news, fake science, fake boobs. Doesn’t it feel like we just can’t trust anything anymore? Take, for example, the …
The human body is an amazing machine from day one. In three major ways, it naturally protects itself from many …
What you probably don’t know about Western Medicine is that infectious diseases virtually disappeared before vaccines were ever invented. Since …
Is Big Pharma engaged in creating vaccines that are racially targeted? A new study may hold the key to answering …
A person could try to scare you away from vaccines by telling you there are blood cultures in them that …