Gardasil is a deadly concoction that leads to permanent, devastating health effects

Tuesday, September 18, 2018 by

The topic of whether vaccines do more harm than good has been debated ad nauseam, but even some of those who tend to lean in favor of vaccination as a general concept are willing to admit that vaccines like Gardasil simply aren’t worth the risk.

The Gardasil vaccine was developed to help prevent the HPV virus. The most common sexually transmitted disease, it affects 79 million Americans and goes away on its own without causing health problems in most cases. However, it can occasionally lead to cancers like cervical cancer in women and genital warts in women and men alike.

While no one wants to face those problems, the vaccine carries its own set of risks, and some are even scarier than the prospect of HPV itself – which, incidentally, can also be prevented to a great degree by practicing safe sex.

Just what are you signing up for when you take Gardasil? In exchange for protection from a virus you can also largely avoid using condoms, you’re putting yourself at risk of a host of side effects that range from unpleasant to fatal.

At the injection site, you might experience pain and swelling; in some cases, a cyst or abscess could develop. Those who get the shot can feel nauseous during the first two weeks, with some suffering vomiting and diarrhea. A small percentage also report appendicitis as a side effect of the vaccine.

All of that is nothing compared to some of the other effects, however. Blood clots in the leg (deep vein thrombosis) and blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary embolism) have been reported in some patients, while others have suffered strokes, seizures, neurological diseases and kidney failure.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, there’s also the fact that it contains polysorbate 80, which can cause multiple sclerosis, anaphylactic reactions, and encephalitis. It also contains neurotoxic aluminum.

Other side effects of the vaccine, such as premature ovarian failure and amenorrhea, can crush your hopes of starting a family, and it has also been linked to central nervous system effects like fever, dizziness, and headaches.

Are you willing to die for an ineffective vaccine?

The shot has already been blamed for more than 200 deaths, along with more than 57,000 adverse events in the U.S.’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. A court ruling has also confirmed that the jab is deadly and causes problems that can lead to sudden death or debilitation.

If you still think these risks are worth taking on to avoid HPV – in other words, you’d rather die than raise your risk of getting cervical cancer – consider this: A recent study found that the vaccine actually raises women’s risk of getting the disease, which is the exact opposite of its stated purpose!

The only reason this study hasn’t gotten a lot of publicity is because the journal had to retract it shortly after publishing it because the author had used a pseudonym. Even though he did this to protect himself from retaliation from the vaccine makers and the journal was able to confirm the author had the credentials and expertise needed to carry out the study, they eventually caved to pressure from drug companies. Even then, they reiterated upon retraction that the study’s findings were valid and warranted further research.

Given the high amount of risk for so little potential reward, it’s easy to see why people are increasingly deciding against getting this deadly vaccine. One can only hope that healthcare providers will be more upfront in sharing this information with patients before they make a decision that could change their lives so dramatically.

See for full details on the health risks associated with vaccines.

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