News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
VACCINE INSANITY: Multiple strains of deadly pig virus discovered in Rotavirus oral vaccines with no legitimate reason for their use
Isn’t it bad enough that today’s vaccinations contain neurotoxins, extreme allergens, genetically modified organisms, and DNA from abortions? Do we really need to find out that a popular childhood vaccine that’s highly recommended by the CDC contains two strains of a rare and deadly virus that’s killing pigs by the thousands in China? Why the […]
By S.D. Wells
One of the most dangerous inventions in the HISTORY of public health – VACCINES
One of the biggest contentions about the so-called “safety” of vaccines is that even though most people are aware that there are many known toxins in them, those carcinogens are only delivered in “miniscule” amounts, so it’s not dangerous. This is a huge misconception that’s been perpetuated since the advent of medical “injections.” Here’s why […]
By S.D. Wells
VACCINE-INDUCED DISEASE now a top global health threat for 2019 and beyond
Contrary to what the propaganda-spreading World Health Organization (WHO) purports, modern day vaccines are responsible for more deaths than the diseases they are intended to create immunity against. This is a fact based on sound science. Let’s review some examples, and then we’ll discuss shedding – the common way infectious diseases are spread by children […]
By S.D. Wells
Bill Gates and the World’s Elite DO NOT VACCINATE their own children… and for good reason
The absolute worst medical decision a parent of a newborn child can make is to allow doctors and nurses to severely compromise the immune system of their infant by injecting him or her with known neurotoxins, foreign proteins, and carcinogens like mercury, formaldehyde, monkey kidney cells, pig viruses, and genetically modified cells from human abortions. […]
By S.D. Wells
BOMBSHELL: Ethyl mercury in vaccines 50 times MORE TOXIC than methyl mercury in fish – Scientific research destroys industry parroted myth
The biggest lies are the ones most likely to be believed, and that’s why the CDC Immunization Safety Office keeps posting on their “fact sheets” that “thimerosal in vaccines is not harmful to children” and “the evidence is clear: thimerosal is not a toxin…” – despite mountains of qualified research that prove otherwise. A few […]
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine HYPOCRISY at its best: Vaccine zealots claim unvaccinated children are a danger to their vaccinated children
You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it a hundred times again: The herd theory hoax that claims vaccines don’t work unless everyone gets vaccinated. Sure. And how is that? If the vaccines work, why would all of those people inoculated still be susceptible to getting the disease? It doesn’t make sense, unless you consider […]
By S.D. Wells
NATIONAL IMMUNIZATION ALERT: Zoster Shingles vaccines and non-seasonal flu vaccines are NOT COVERED by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
In the 1980s, after a series of very serious lawsuits against vaccine companies from healthcare providers due to vaccine injuries, the CDC, in cahoots with vaccine manufacturers, created the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) so that no vaccine maker could ever be sued again. From that date forward, if any U.S. person was injured by […]
By S.D. Wells
FLU SHOT WARNING: Despite official recommendations, this vaccine endangers pregnant women and babies because it STILL contains MERCURY
Are humans considered children when in the womb or at 6 months of age? If not, what are they? Is the word “childhood” some conundrum meant to confuse parents? Certainly the CDC would not recommend injecting one of the deadliest heavy metal toxins in the world into children, while claiming they’ve removed it from all […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 ways most Americans severely compromise their immune systems
One thing is for sure. More than 200 million Americans are completely paranoid about germs and bacteria to the extent that they’re brainwashed to believe that the human immune system is next to helpless without the assistance of a boatload of chemicals that come in the form of injections, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and home […]
By S.D. Wells
The most brilliant scientists working for the U.S. government do NOT vaccinate their own kids
Welcome to Los Alamos, New Mexico, where our country’s most scientifically literate families are avoiding vaccines like the plague. Meanwhile, the infected “vaxxers” are all throwing poisoned fits, wondering why all the “sheeple” aren’t following the rest of the “herd” like they’ve been summoned to do by the script-fed mass media and the morally corrupted […]
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