News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 reasons NOT to get a flu shot
Ask yourself right now why the flu shot is almost always free, when all other preventative “medicine” costs a small fortune, even with insurance? In 1986, the vaccine industry as a whole was going bankrupt because they were fighting off so many lawsuits, so they went and lobbied Congress, who established the National Childhood Vaccine […]
By S.D. Wells
WARNING: COVID-19 vaccine may cause shedding (like other vaccines), WORSENING the pandemic by spreading what would have been obsolete strains of coronavirus
First off, any coronavirus vaccine the corrupt vaccine industry “discovers” will most likely be useless from the beginning because the virus is quickly mutating and morphing, as admitted by a general consensus of scientists from around the world. So there’s that to consider, and very carefully. Next comes the problem of vaccine shedding, which is […]
By S.D. Wells
How many millions of immune-compromised Americans will catch coronavirus and die from it all because they got the flu shot first?
Are you worried about getting unnecessary infections in the midst of this coronavirus pandemic? Then definitely say NO to getting a flu shot this year. The risk of coronavirus infection goes way up if you decide to get the infamous toxic jab, and there’s scientific research to back it all up. We already know that […]
By S.D. Wells
Expect thousands of US babies to be born with birth defects if their carrying mothers get injected with a thalidomide-laced covid vaccine
Ready for brain surgery from a doctor who’s just experimenting and doesn’t really know what he’s doing? Well then, you’re not ready for a covid vaccine either, because it’s all just one big experiment, with no proper clinical trials for safety or effectiveness, without dangerous health side effects. In everybody’s frenzy, especially parents of young […]
By S.D. Wells
Witchcraft or Vaccines? Covid-19 vaccine will contain GMOs and “continuous” aborted human fetal cells, which develop into CANCER in your body
Vaccine sorcery is underway folks, and you if don’t learn how to read vaccine literature right now, you are in for a rude awakening. Most healthcare workers have no clue what they’re injecting into their patient’s muscle tissue, they just regurgitate what they hear from the top – the script that’s siphoned, censured, and “peer […]
By S.D. Wells
BIG QUESTION: Why is the U.S. vaccination rate still below 50%, after all the fuss, propaganda and scare tactics?
Are vaccines really as “safe and effective” as the manufacturers and CDC always claim? Obviously not. Currently there are no epidemic- or pandemic-style breakouts of infectious diseases, yet half of all Americans are against vaccines and either haven’t received any lately or simply never have or will. Instead, we see over 100 million people building […]
By S.D. Wells
Medical Shocker: Sqaulene, an oil-based “adjuvant” commonly used in vaccines, likely a leading cause of catastrophic diseases, including auto-immune disease
One thing the CDC hopes nobody ever learns is that oil-based adjuvants commonly used in vaccines can cause irreversible auto-immune disease and permanent organ damage. Whenever scientists want to purposely induce autoimmune diseases in laboratory animals, they use oil-based adjuvants that create incurable conditions, including the stoppage of sperm production, allergic encephalomyelitis (animal version of […]
By S.D. Wells
Medical Alert: Animal URINE called “urea” is found in today’s dirty vaccines, including the Varicella immunization jab
Some people put their full faith in American vaccines. They get every vaccine they’re told to get by doctors and the CDC. If there’s a scary outbreak on TV, they’ll run to the first 24-hour clinic or their pediatrician and get the booster jab for that infectious disease or new influenza combination of strains. Until… […]
By S.D. Wells
Over 50,000 Americans die from the flu each year… is it because they got the flu shot first?
Yes, the infamous CDC estimates that 56,000 people die from the flu each year, or at least from “flu-like” illness, but the real statistical information we need is how many of those folks received the influenza vaccine, and how soon afterwards did they croak from it? Science proves that you are most susceptible to getting […]
By S.D. Wells
Dirty vaccines are proof that the RISKS outweigh the benefits – a look into the health repercussions from vaccines over the past 75 years
Many people still believe today that Dr. Jonas Salk was the “God” of cult pharmacology because he invented the polio vaccine. But did he? In actuality, all he did was conduct illegal medical experiments on mental patients, while the steady decline of mortality from infectious diseases was instantly (and falsely) credited to him by the […]
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