News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
MIND-BLOWING: Oakland and Denver zoos giving COVID-19 spike protein vaccines to animals – including bears, gorillas, tigers and mountain lions
With zero science to back up giving zoo animals China virus jabs, and zero animals testing positive for Covid, the Oakland Zoo and Denver Zoo are both moving forward, shooting up animals with toxic “inoculations” that cause blood clots and heart inflammation in humans. There are also no records of any animals transmitting Covid to […]
By S.D. Wells
Family doctor BLOWS THE WHISTLE on “extreme side effects” of Moderna vaccine, explains how the “vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than COVID-19”
The whole premise of getting a vaccine is based on the supposed science that proves there is more of a threat from the disease than the vaccine itself. Yet, three months after getting vaccinated with the Moderna Covid-19 jab, six of this doctor’s patients are STILL experiencing severe neurological side effects, and they only got […]
By S.D. Wells
CNN pushes Delta Variant as SUPER SCARY, claiming teenagers and kids need the dangerous, blood-clotting, heart-inflaming covid vaccine
It’s twice as deadly and a-hundred-times as contagious as Covid-19, explains a vaccine-making shill on the Counterfeit News Network. Run for your lives, the Delta Variant is coming! Return to your chemically-disinfected “safe” homes, lock yourself down forever with lots of toilet paper and anti-bacterial everything, and be sure wear your mask at all times, […]
By S.D. Wells
Horrific vaccine “adverse events” BEFORE & AFTER Covid-19 jabs, right from the CDC’s very own vaccine injury tables
From the sound of it, vaccines are like biological weapons that destroy human health and should all be completely banned until proven safe and effective by multiple independent labs running vigorous tests and extensive clinical trials. Within hours and days of being injected with harmful substances, recombinant DNA, mRNA and genetically mutated viruses, human beings, including […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 ways to know the “Delta Variant” is just part of the planned SCAMDEMIC sweeping across America
Once you understand how fake news and big pharma function, it’s almost ludicrous watching it all unfold before your very eyes. The motives and ‘end goals’ are no longer a secret, and the narrative is becoming more absurd, yet more believable to the masses, because a few billion sheeple are already injected with dementia-creating inoculations. […]
By S.D. Wells
Young adults and adolescents are suffering heart inflammation caused by Covid-19 vaccines – cases skyrocket to at least 200 TIMES MORE than “expected” by CDC
Get the shot, get the shot! Wait. Never mind. Don’t get it. Vaccine “hesitancy” for young adults just turned into “just say no” because who needs to have a heart attack or a stroke at 25 or 15 years young, all to supposedly “prevent” catching a virus that barely even affects young adults or adolescents? […]
By S.D. Wells
Jewish-American warns: Vaccines are the new gas chambers and 150 million Americans are walking right in, spurred by media-hyped Covid-19 fear
Jews in Germany before WWII did not think that when their guns were first required to be “registered” that soon those guns would be taken from them. Those same innocent Jewish people, who were German citizens, had no idea that after their guns were confiscated, they would be ordered to “move” to Ghettos reserved for them, […]
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine Remorse hits America
Just like buyer’s remorse after you spend a lot of money on a product that you realize you don’t want, and should not have acquired, millions of Americans are experiencing vaccine remorse after getting jabbed with central nervous system disrupting, blood clotting, dirty Covid-19 vaccines. For many others, the remorse is for their relatives, friends, neighbors […]
By S.D. Wells
Since Covid-19 vaccines are said to be free for the “health of the nation,” why aren’t they giving away vitamin D and other vital supplements?
One might argue that China Flu vaccines are free because Covid is an infectious disease that is contagious, and that cancer and diabetes are not, but cancer and diabetes are killing many more Americans than Covid-19, so that argument doesn’t really hold water. Think about it; Covid kills less than one percent of its victims, where […]
By S.D. Wells
Suffering from VAX-CLOT? New blood-clotting disorder is sweeping the globe
Scientists around the world are discovering that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing the recipients to develop deadly blood clots, and all three inoculation manufacturers are getting “thrown under the bus” for this worldwide epidemic. One blood expert in Germany says a preservative in the AstraZeneca jab, EDTA, when it combines with stray proteins, is directly […]
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