News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
BABY MURDER REGIME: COVID jab injury overview reveals 82% of pregnant women vaccinated in the first or second trimester suffer spontaneous abortions
Welcome to the Orwellian death cult that pushes for vaccine-induced abortions and infertility right out in the open. The cabal of executives over at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are pushing social media style propaganda for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) jabs with the same old dying slogan, “safe and effective,” which we’ve all […]
By S.D. Wells
Covid jabs can cause the central nervous system to go absolutely HAYWIRE, possibly for life
When analyzing the news, take a look at two new ads by two women who were brutally injured by Covid vaccinations. You will never see this on mass media. The ads have been released by Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, who advocate for the vaccine-injured, especially when their voices are blocked on all of social media […]
By S.D. Wells
After you are vaccine damaged, if you complain about symptoms you will be REQUIRED to take psychiatric medications until your “disorder” is cured (i.e. you stop complaining)
They call it Post Pandemic Stress Disorder, or PPSD, but it’s really long-term side effects from the Covid vaccines, and those who dare complain will face the dire consequences of challenging the false-authority of the Chinese Communist Party (Biden) administration. Most people have no idea that forced vaccination is only the beginning of “battling” the […]
By S.D. Wells
Why is this nurse being federally charged for FAKING vaccine cards, but Big Pharma is never charged for FAKING vaccine research?
The FDA has faked an approval of so-called “vaccines” for Covid that have been proven scientifically to offer little-to-no protection against contracting or transmitting the virus, but no charges have been brought to the scientists who created them or the FDA officials that issued the fake approval. Yet, just last week, federal investigators charged a […]
By S.D. Wells
THE GREAT ESCAPE from Australia’s COVID concentration death camps
If you live in the Northern Territory of Australia and you so much as walk near someone who is suspected of having Covid, you are immediately thrown into a concentration camp by the Australian SS police. It doesn’t matter if you test positive or negative for Covid, and it doesn’t matter if you’ve been vaccinated […]
By S.D. Wells
Most SURPRISING 9 ways people are dying during the pandemic besides from Covid
The mass media is warping nearly every death to be categorized as caused by Covid or a “Covid-related” death. If we did that with prescription drugs we could label every death from cancer, diabetes and dementia a “prescription-related” death. If you consider how many people have been killed by superbugs in hospitals, like MRSA, the […]
By S.D. Wells
EXPOSED: Covid vaccines are 800 times more dangerous than smallpox vaccines and KILL more people than they save for all age groups
The whole premise of medicine is that it saves lives without costing lives, but sadly, that is not the case with the Covid vaccines. For many years, the smallpox vaccine was the most dangerous of them all. Times have changed. Technology changed. Today, the Covid vaccines have already, in one year’s time, proven themselves 800 […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 reasons NOT to get a Covid booster vaccine, ever
Some people dove right in, and others waded into the vaccine “underworld.” Now, the undertow of vaccine “boosters” is dragging everyone further into the immunocompromised abyss. Tens of millions of Americans who believe in vaccines got snookered and thought there was just going to be the one vaccine, or a short series, but now they’re […]
By S.D. Wells
BOOSTER SYNDROME: Natural doctor blows whistle on Covid vaccines lowering white blood cells more and more with each shot, turning vaccinated people into AIDS-like patients
An anonymous natural health doctor with 1600 patients, many of whom are vaccinated for Covid, has gathered information from her own clients, other physicians, nurses, immunization specialists and virology doctors. Her analysis from all of this gathered information and data regards the first two doses of the Covid vaccine and the booster shots. At present, […]
By S.D. Wells
SHOCKER: Virginia pharmacy staff suspected of purposely injecting over 100 children with adult version of Covid-19 clot shot
What’s next? Will Covid-injected children start collapsing on sports fields from heart attacks like young athletes already are, especially since pharmacies are haphazardly injecting children with adult doses that are three times as potent? State officials busted staff at a Virginia pharmacy in Loudon County (about an hour from the Washington DC beltway) for administering […]
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