News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
The fully vaccinated makeup 90% of covid-19 fatalities in England; the majority are triple vaccinated
The UK Health Security Agency came out with their Week 8 report, which includes data on covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths from January 24 to February 22. People who have been vaccinated with spike protein mRNA currently makeup 90 percent of covid-19 fatalities in England! A shocking 80 percent of these fatalities occur in people […]
By Lance D Johnson
Heart inflammation increasing in young athletes: In one month, at least 69 athletes collapsed after vaccination
Heart inflammation is increasing in young athletes and children. In one month in 2021, at least 69 athletes collapsed after covid-19 vaccination. Many are left with disabilities for life. Some do not survive. This tragic influx in cardiac arrest, stroke, myocarditis and sudden death is NOT normal, and it’s not being properly reported on by […]
By Lance D Johnson
SOMEBODY TELL WHOOPI: Covid-19 vaccines are projected to kill TEN TIMES the number of Holocaust victims in 2022 alone
The Expose published a statistical analysis of sudden cardiovascular deaths following covid-19 vaccination. According to evidence of severe inflammation of the heart and current cardiac arrest trends in young professional athletes, covid-19 vaccines are projected to cause over 62.3 million excess deaths in 2022. The report found cardiovascular deaths doubled for fully vaccinated FIFA players […]
By Lance D Johnson
Fauci using American children as DUMPING GROUNDS for toxic vaccines: Children under four to receive THREE covid jabs, as other nations stop vaccinating kids
It’s now apparent that the U.S. Justice Department has granted Dr. Anthony Fauci total immunity from any and all prosecution. Fauci appeared at a White House press briefing on January 26 to bark out new orders for all children under the age of four. Fauci declared that all children will eventually be inoculated with a […]
By Lance D Johnson
Highly disturbing child indoctrination video from Canada shows brainwashed vaccine Nazis calling for the arrest of innocent people
A sinister video out of Canada shows just how dangerously far children have been indoctrinated during the covid-19 scandal. The highly disturbing video shows two young children calling for the arrest and complete segregation of innocent, “unvaccinated” people. The government of Canada has made “unvaccinated” people out to be a subhuman species — a secondary […]
By Lance D Johnson
Prime age mortality SPIKED by 50% across multiple states during the year of the “life-saving” covid-19 vaccine
Throughout 2021, people aged 18-49 passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, at rates far beyond years past. In fact, almost every state reported a spike in prime age mortality during the year of the life-saving covid-19 vaccine. Some state-wide mortality increases were greater than 50 percent! Contrary to popular hysteria, covid-19-related deaths were only one small […]
By Lance D Johnson
It’s impossible to achieve immunization with intramuscular covid-19 vaccines because coronaviruses propagate intracellularly and in the mucus
All vaccines for covid-19 are DEAD UPON ARRIVAL because the vaccines augment antibodies in the deltoid muscles, bypassing the mucus and the mucous membranes, where coronaviruses actually attach and replicate. Any measurement of antibodies post-vaccination is all for naught. These vaccine-induced antibodies are produced in the muscle tissue, far from its target environment in the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Pfizer CEO just admitted his company’s shots are useless, double jabbed have “very limited protection, if any” – so why are governments still paying for Pfizer shots and mandating them?
It took less than a year for Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to come clean about the failure of his mRNA vaccine program. In a recent interview, Bourla confessed that the first two doses of spike protein mRNA only offer “limited protection” against covid-19. He even cast doubt on the “booster” shot, claiming it offers “reasonable […]
By Lance D Johnson
Bombshell data from 145 countries show that covid vaccines INCREASE covid-19 associated sickness and death
The most coercive vaccine program in the history of the world has yielded terrifying results across 145 different countries. Data from these heavily-vaccinated countries show that covid vaccines increase both the total COVID-19 case load per million and the total number of deaths associated with COVID-19. This statistical trend of depopulation occurred in approximately 88% […]
By Lance D Johnson
Vaccine DAMAGE now ubiquitous in Denmark as “Omicron” hospitalizations occur primarily in “fully vaccinated”
Mandatory masks, quarantines and covid-19 vaccines are becoming a pariah in Denmark, as the “fully vaccinated” make up over 90% of the current “omicron” covid-19 caseload. The “Omicron” hospitalization rate in Denmark is beginning to exceed the “Delta” hospitalization rate, as vaccine damage becomes ubiquitous in the population. As the “fully vaccinated” make up the […]
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