News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Germany’s birth rate improbably falls by 11% in the first quarter of 2022
As Republicans and Democrats argue about the future of abortion and human rights, there exists a force of evil far greater in scope, threatening the unborn and the generations to come. This force is stealthily destroying the fertility of an entire generation and spontaneously aborting the next generation — without humanity’s consent. A historic reduction […]
By Lance D Johnson
CDC FRAUD: Emails confirm that CDC officials fraudulently changed the definition of “vaccine” to force needless mRNA injections onto the population
Locking people down in their homes, taking their jobs, and threatening their livelihoods was never enough. To force the population to take part in needless genetic experiments, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) also had to change the definition of “vaccine” and “vaccinated” to manipulate more individuals to comply with their ill-gotten authority. Newly uncovered […]
By Lance D Johnson
Canada’s health minister says you will NEVER be “fully vaccinated” against covid, no matter how many vaccines you take
Canadian Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos recently came clean about the government’s plan to mass inject the population every NINE months. He told reporters that the definition of fully-vaccinated “made no sense” because every person will eventually need to prove that they are “up-to-date” with the latest round of injections. He said that citizens will NEVER […]
By Lance D Johnson
Taiwan witnesses catastrophic 23% drop in birth rate in May of 2022, as global depopulation schemes take effect
Taiwan has recorded something horrendous with its population, something that would be statistically improbable under normal circumstances, and practically impossible even by random chance. But the world is not living under normal circumstances. In 2021, vaccine manufacturers were lifted to “savior” status by global health authorities and governments. Freedoms were threatened, bribery ensued as a […]
By Lance D Johnson
Pilots speak out about vaccine-induced injuries and deaths
Throughout the covid-19 scandal, commercial airline pilots were disrespected, grounded, and forced to comply with destructive medical experiments. The aviation industry has implemented a culture of intimidation and abuse, threatening the basic body autonomy rights and personal beliefs of individual pilots. These acts of subjugation and coercion have driven pilots into early retirement, and forced […]
By Lance D Johnson
Healthy young people now dying en masse across Australia, and the corporate media still won’t dare mention vaccines
In 2021, the government of Australia colluded with three vaccine manufacturers to oppress the Australian people with various levels of discrimination, coercion, propaganda, unlawful detainment, segregation, digital compliance systems and broader threats to individuals’ livelihoods. These totalitarian actions were not rooted in any data or science and provided no public health benefit. These actions were […]
By Lance D Johnson
Electron microscope images appear to show carbon nanotech, aluminum, thulium in Pfizer and Moderna’s covid-19 vaccines
A Canadian researcher and ER doctor recently put the Pfizer and Moderna covid-19 vaccines under the microscope to see what they are made of. The electron microscope images show no sign of biological material, not DNA nor the glorified mRNA that the experimental injection was supposed to deliver. Lead researcher, Dr. Daniel Nagase is a […]
By Lance D Johnson
CDC TRIPLES DOWN on child sacrifice, approves third dose of mRNA injections for children as young as five
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have practically endorsed CHILD SACRIFICE as an acceptable public health policy. The agency recently approved a third dose of spike protein mRNA injections for children as young as five years old, despite copious evidence that the experimental vaccine causes myocarditis in children and young adults. The FDA continues to […]
By Lance D Johnson
CDC claims COVID vaccines do not cause variants, but provide ZERO evidence to support their claims, ICAN reveals
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) continues to claim that COVID vaccines do not cause variants. When the Informed Consent Actions Network (ICAN) filed a FOIA request challenging the claims, the CDC was forced to admit they did not have any documents or records to back up their supposition. The CDC continues to dismiss the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Israeli data shows 25% spike in emergency heart problems among “fully vaccinated” young adults
In 2021, the government of Israel colluded with Pfizer to oppress the Israeli population with vaccine passports, segregation, deprivation of rights and unlawful detainment. After forcefully experimenting on the population with multiple doses of spike protein mRNA, the Israeli government ultimately caused great suffering and death, while infections continued to surge in the vaccinated. The […]
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