News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
TB vaccine SCAM: Scientists gave 1,400 babies a new vaccine for tuberculosis despite FAILED safety trials
An investigation by the British Medical Journal has exposed a horrifying vaccine scam that took place in the same place that many unethical vaccine stories come from – Africa. There, babies were used as guinea pigs to test out a vaccine after the monkeys it was tested on died. According to the report, nearly 1,400 […]
By Cassie B.
Alabama declares flu outbreak emergency as vaccine failure becomes obvious to everyone
A State Public Health Emergency has been issued in Alabama by Governor Kay Ivey as a flu outbreak grips the state. Schools are closing and hospitals are filling up as the flu vaccine proves to be a spectacular failure yet again this year. Hospital emergency rooms and outpatient clinics are reporting a very high volume […]
By Cassie B.
PET HEALTH WARNING: Veterinarians are wildly overdosing small dogs with toxic vaccines, causing devastating side effects
Vets around the world are seeing horrific reactions from over-vaccinating, yet many pet owners remain unaware of the problem and continue to bring their pets in for yearly shots without questioning the risks. All pets are given the same vaccine dose regardless of their size, which means a cat that weighs five pounds will get […]
By Cassie B.
The flu is causing chaos in the U.S. and the U.K. … Hospital beds are full, patients are forced to wait hours for an ambulance
If the scientific studies showing the inefficacy of the flu vaccine weren’t enough to dissuade you from lining up for the risky jab, a quick look around U.S. and U.K. hospitals these days should be enough to send you running in the opposite direction. Hospital beds are full and patients that are facing long waits […]
By Cassie B.
More research confirms: There is definitely a link between autism and mercury
As some people continue to deny that there is a link between autism spectrum disorder and mercury, a pair of new studies have now been added to the growing pile of evidence illustrating just how wrong they are. The research involved meta-analysis of studies investigating the link between mercury and autism spectrum disorder that were […]
By Cassie B.
Nurses organize against anti-human rights “vaccine mandates” … see Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines
Most of us have to do things we’d rather not for our jobs once in a while. Whether it’s smiling in the face of a boss or customer we vehemently disagree with or participating in boring conference calls, we chalk it up to being “part of the job” and appreciate the fact that we’re employed […]
By Cassie B.
Disease outbreaks are often staged to generate funding for Big Pharma
When you have a product to sell, you need to strike the right balance between supply and demand. The basic laws of economics state that when you have a supply of products that you’d like to move, one way to sell them is to create a demand for them. If you’re selling scarves, for example, […]
By Cassie B.
Detroit mother thrown in jail for refusing to vaccinate son while court orders father to get the boy “caught up” on shots
A Detroit area mother was thrown in jail for refusing to vaccinate her nine-year-old son. Rebecca Bredow and her ex-husband Jason Horne, the boy’s father, had originally agreed to space out the child’s immunizations in a divorce agreement instead of sticking to the traditional schedule, but after researching the issue further, she decided it was […]
By Cassie B.
Aggressive fear push on Lyme disease by the media just part of the plan to roll out a new Lyme vaccine
Lyme disease cases are on the rise in the Western world, and pharmaceutical companies are hoping to cash in on the illness with the help of a new vaccine. In the U.S., the number of confirmed cases of the tick-borne illness in 2015 was nearly 29,000, compared to 23,000 ten years earlier. Lyme disease can […]
By Cassie B.
BOMBSHELL: These teenage girls DIED of meningitis even after getting vaccinated… total media blackout
It’s not hard to find stories in the news urging people to get vaccinated against meningitis, particularly as kids prepare to go back to school. Plenty of headlines warn parents that their teens should get the jab before heading off to college, but hardly any of them discuss the fact that some people who have […]
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