News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Dark web sellers peddling blood they claim is from recovered COVID-19 patients
There’s no question that coronavirus is a very scary illness, and it’s not surprising that some people are willing to try various remedies that have shown some spark of promise. While focusing on increasing your intake of certain vitamins, for example, is unlikely to cause harm, other approaches are decidedly riskier – such as injecting […]
By Cassie B.
The flu vaccine might make you even more vulnerable to coronavirus
You’ve probably heard by now that the flu vaccine won’t protect you against coronavirus – nor does it protect many people from the flu – but now it has emerged that it may actually raise your vulnerability to the deadly illness. This is according to a warning issued by Dr. Robert J. Rowen, who wrote […]
By Cassie B.
The flu vaccine is a spectacular failure with an unacceptable efficacy rate
We’re often bombarded with “helpful” reminders to get our flu vaccines as winter rolls around, but when you take a closer look at the medical literature, there’s a lot about the shot that simply doesn’t add up. There are really two main qualities that you’d expect a vaccine that is pushed on the masses to […]
By Cassie B.
How many ways is the flu vaccine failing us?
It’s becoming increasingly clear that the flu vaccine is little more than a money-making scheme. After all, we can’t really say that it’s effective enough to warrant widespread administration – quite the opposite, in fact. In the third part of a series exploring the spectacular failures of a variety of vaccines, Children’s Health Defense recently […]
By Cassie B.
12 SCIENCE-backed reasons to say “NO” to the Gardasil vaccine
Well-meaning parents around the world have been bringing their children to get Gardasil, the HPV vaccine, for more than a decade now. The vaccine claims to help prevent cervical cancer and other conditions that are related to the human papilloma virus, or HPV. Although it was initially targeted at girls aged 9 to 26, it […]
By Cassie B.
Researchers want to fight the flu by lacing vaccines with “mutant proteins”
In case the flu vaccine wasn’t already bad enough to deter you from getting it, now researchers are exploring the potential of making it even scarier by injecting it with “mutant proteins.” The researchers believe this approach could be used to target influenza type B. Although it’s not as common as influenza type A, it’s […]
By Cassie B.
Congressman Dr. Mark Green raises alarm over CDC fraud and health dangers of vaccine ingredients
One reason that topics like dangerous vaccines do not get a lot of publicity is because the government is often willing to look the other way. Big Pharma’s reach is great, but it is about to find a very powerful opponent in the form of Tennessee congressman Dr. Mark Green. Dr. Green is a physician […]
By Cassie B.
Stunning video shows how the vaccine industry has turned the measles, an ordinary, non-fatal infection like chicken pox, into a hyperventilated national emergency
When you hear the word “measles,” what is your first reaction? No one would blame you for panicking and keeping your distance from those who have the disease, given all the hype over it, but what exactly is so bad about it? Do you even know? Contrast this with your gut reaction to chicken pox. […]
By Cassie B.
Here are the specific actions you can take to protect yourself from vaccines and smart meters
In many ways, it’s a good time to be a human. We have no shortage of modern comforts, and many of the threats that killed our predecessors are no longer an issue. However, at the same time, we are also facing new dangers brought about by all the advances in modern technology and medicine. Here’s […]
By Cassie B.
Father placed on life support after receiving flu shot… vaccines continue to damage children and adults alike
Las Vegas father Shane Morgan is fighting for his life after getting a flu shot earlier this month, and his story is a solemn reminder that vaccines aren’t as harmless as many make them out to be. Morgan got a flu shot on November 2, and 36 hours later, he developed flu-like symptoms. By November […]
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