News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Federal government releases financial settlement figures for vaccine injuries, shattering media’s false claim that vaccines never harm anyone
Even while the hopelessly dishonest, scientifically illiterate oldstream media continues lying to the public with the ridiculous narrative that “vaccines are safe” — read WashPost, The Atlantic, NYT or USA Today for a daily dose of vaccine holocaust denialism — the federal government has publicly released vaccine injury payout figures that prove vaccines routinely maim […]
By Mike Adams
American Academy of Pediatrics declares “no science” needed to prove vaccines are safe, because they BELIEVE
After publicly declaring that all vaccines are safe and not linked to autism, the American Academy of Pediatrics refused to provide a single shred of scientific evidence to support their claims. Even more laughably, the AAP said that there’ no need to provide any evidence at all, since the safety of vaccines is assumed to […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine skepticism is rooted in rational science, while vaccine zealotry is pushed under the “cult of scientism”
Ever notice how every attack on so-called “anti-vaxxers” (a demeaning medical slur, the equivalent of the “N word” in science) begins with the assumption that they must be completely crazy? That’s a tactic. It’s designed to dismiss the rational science behind vaccine skepticism, even as the evidence keeps mounting that toxic vaccine ingredients are incredibly […]
By Mike Adams
William Shatner targeted by vaccine bullies in vicious campaign to silence tweets about autism
Vaccine industry zealots believe in destroying the freedom to think. Their actions — and especially the actions of sociopathic medical violence pushers like Dr. David Gorski — reflect the kind of destruction of knowledge we’ve all witnessed throughout history when evil regimes burned books in order to control the official narrative. (Dr. Gorski is a high-level […]
By Mike Adams
TWISTED: According to bizarre Pentagon logic, Russia can now bomb the USA to stop vaccine violence against children
If you really look deeply at the “moral justification” behind the recent U.S. military strike in Syria, it all comes down to this simple argument: “Those children were being hurt by chemical violence, and we just HAD to do something to stop them!” Therefore, according to the Pentagon, anytime a nation anywhere in the world […]
By Mike Adams
There are far more vaccine-damaged children in America than chemical weapons-damaged children in Syria
By now, you are surely aware that the U.S. war machine, under President Donald J. Trump, has launched cruise missiles against the Syrian government. The emotionally-charged justification for all this is that “beautiful babies” were being killed by chemical weapons. While the pro-war factions of the establishment elite are celebrating the missile strike, virtually the […]
By Mike Adams
Incredibly disturbing animation reveals how vaccines are really made… WARNING: this will turn your stomach
Isn’t it interesting how so many people scrutinize the ingredients in the groceries they buy, yet they allow themselves to be injected with vaccines without having any clue what ingredients they contain? Vaccines are deliberately made with all sorts of bizarre ingredients, the CDC confirms. These ingredients include toxic heavy metals, animal blood components, human […]
By Mike Adams
The corrupt vaccine industry has the means and motive to stage a massive false flag “outbreak” to demand nationwide vaccine mandates
The vaccine industry is unique in the fact that the more its products fail, the greater the demand for its faulty products. Simply stated, when vaccines are accidentally distributed with live viruses instead of attenuated (weakened) viruses, they cause the very outbreaks of disease they claim to prevent. Once the outbreak happens, the pharma-funded mainstream […]
By Mike Adams
How vaccine mandates violate WOMEN … the government vs. your human rights
Government-enforced vaccine mandates violate the bodies of women and their children, nullifying the fundamental human right which says that we own and control our own bodies. Yet thanks to the corrupt, criminal-minded vaccine industry, the government now claims it “owns” not only your body, but also the bodies of your children. And since the government […]
By Mike Adams
Groundbreaking docu-series launched: The Truth About Vaccines will be final nail in the coffin of vaccine industry LIES
A groundbreaking new docu-series has just been launched that will prove to be the final nail in the coffin of vaccine industry lies. It’s called The Truth About Vaccines, and registration is open as of today. You can register now at this link. The Truth About Vaccines features the world’s top experts on natural medicine, […]
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