News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Vaccine industry in PANIC MODE as *vaccinated* children keep dying from the flu all across America
Children are dying from the flu all across America, according to media reports. What the media isn’t reporting, however, is how many of the children who died were also vaccine recipients. Make no mistake: If only unvaccinated children were dying from the flu, that would be the headline everywhere: “Unvaccinated Children Dying Across America” or […]
By Mike Adams
Exclusive interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries over vaccine troll “mass shooting” murder threat
You’ve probably already heard about the mass murder “suicide mission” death threat leveled against Dr. Suzanne Humphries by a vaccine troll / propagandist. If you’re not up to speed on the outlandish, graphic nature of the death threat that resembles the aggressive, demented rants of pro-vaccine propagandists, read this Natural News story for full details. […]
By Mike Adams
Irrefutable, undeniable proof that mercury is still used in vaccines injected into children
Because there has been a malicious disinformation effort to convince doctors, nurses and the public that vaccines given to children don’t contain mercury, I’m posting this letter from the State of California Health and Human Services Agency as proof that mercury is still injected into children via vaccines. As you can see from the letter, […]
By Mike Adams
Proposed law would turn Florida into a vaccine police state: “Women’s Cancer Prevention Act” would mandate mass injections with toxic HPV vaccines
Following in the eugenics footsteps of California’s SB 277, Florida lawmakers are now pushing a totalitarian medical police state law that would deny an education to children who aren’t injected with the extremely toxic and risky HPV vaccine. SB 1551, being deceptively called the “Women’s Cancer Prevention Act,” mandates HPV vaccines in school-aged children, revoking […]
By Mike Adams
ALERT: Vaccine advocate threatens mass murder “suicide mission” shooting at public autism event… “I’m gonna kill every single one of you f##kers… see you in Hell” (VIDEO)
Thanks to the extreme hatred being whipped up against autism truth advocates by vaccine propagandists such as Jimmy Kimmel, deranged science troll Dr. David Gorski and the “fake news” media that’s beholden to vaccine industry propaganda, vaccine pushers are now resorting to extreme threats of violence and mass shootings to try to silence vaccine truth […]
By Mike Adams
“FLUPOCALYPSE” mass hysteria is just another propaganda push for mindless vaccination compliance
So predictable. The mainstream propaganda media — all now functioning as prostitutes for the pseudoscience vaccine industry — are claiming a “flupocalypse” is devastating America. The solution? You’re all supposed to get injected with the mercury-laced flu shot, of course, in order to “do your part” to halt the complete destruction of human civilization now […]
By Mike Adams
Informed Consent: Why mandatory vaccines are a blatant violation of medical ethics and fundamental human rights
Have you ever thought about the violation of human rights and medical ethics found in the vaccine industry’s pushing of mandatory vaccines for everyone? The fact that the industry wants to inject you and your children without disclosing the risks of vaccines — which include permanent, serious damage as well as death — demonstrates just […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL science paper documents the depopulation chemical covertly spiked into vaccines
Just days after the release of a jaw-dropping video lecture called the Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks, a bombshell science paper has emerged that confirms the use of covert sterilization chemicals in World Health Organization vaccines deployed in Africa. Entitled, “HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World,” the […]
By Mike Adams
New York Times confirms Natural News investigation: Mumps now spread mostly by vaccinated children
The New York Times is now confirming that Natural News has been right all along about the real cause of mumps outbreaks in America. In a bombshell article entitled, “Mumps Makes a Comeback, Even Among the Vaccinated,” the NYT admits that vaccinated children are spreading mumps. Via the NYT: (bolding added) Most of the recent […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine industry in panic as scientific study solves the riddle of why flu shots don’t work
The flu shot is a quack science medical hoax. While some vaccines do confer immunization effectiveness, the flu shot isn’t one of them. Recent studies, for example, have proven that flu shots sharply weaken immunity in subsequent years following immunization. In some years, the flu shot viral strains are completely wrong, offering no immunity at […]
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