News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
OBEY OR ELSE: New England Journal of Medicine says people refusing MANDATORY coronavirus vaccines should be severely punished, locked in their homes and fired from their jobs
Welcome to the new medical fascism of 2020. The New England Journal of Medicine, the same fake science rag that committed total fraud to dishonestly smear hydroxychloroquine and protect the interests of vaccine companies, is now saying that all human beings must be forced to take mandatory vaccines. Those who refuse should face severe punishment, […]
By Mike Adams
Coronavirus vaccine trial subjects report extreme exhaustion, shortness of breath, day-long headaches and shaking so violently that one of them cracked a tooth
Get ready for the depopulation kill shots that cause severe neurological damage and lobotomize anyone stupid enough to take them. Even mainstream media outlet is now reporting that vaccine trials conducted by Moderna and Pfizer are producing extreme side effects in trial subjects. “High fever, body aches, headaches and exhaustion are some of the […]
By Mike Adams
Children’s Health Defense and RFK Jr. release “message of unity” video calling for health freedom advocates to #StandFirm against vaccine mandates
Children’s Health Defense ( has released a powerful video carrying a message of unity for humanity. The video calls on health freedom advocates to #standfirm against mandatory vaccines and to reject the vaccine mandates being pushed by bureaucrats and vaccine industry mouthpieces who seem to care nothing about safety. Via Children’s Health Defense is proud […]
By Mike Adams
Both the President and investors are betting everything on a fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine… but what if they’re accidentally unleashing a medical time bomb on America?
The euphoria of today’s Wall Street investors is based primarily on two things: 1) Continued Fed money printing, and 2) Expectations that a coronavirus vaccine will arrive in November and magically end the pandemic. At the same time, President Trump is also aggressively pushing a coronavirus vaccine to be released before Election Day, hoping that […]
By Mike Adams
Hawaii rolling out mandatory COVID-19 testing checkpoints on major Oahu highway… with mandatory vaccines and quarantine camps soon to follow
The State of Hawaii is turning the H-3 freeway on Oahu into a mandatory COVID-19 road block checkpoint, blocking traffic in both directions and subjecting travelers to mandatory testing, reports Hawaii News Now. It means that Hawaii is being rapidly transformed into a medical police state which will soon morph into mandatory quarantine camps like […]
By Mike Adams
Plandemic II: inDOCTORnation film released – here are the most damning outtakes that expose the criminal fraud of Fauci, the WHO and the CDC
The bombshell new film, “Plandemic II: inDOCTORnation” was released yesterday, and this film unleashes bombshell after bombshell about Dr. Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, the corrupt vaccine industry, the NIH under Obama, and the whole pandemic scam that was deliberately engineered using a real virus to enslave humanity and earn billions in profits for Big […]
By Mike Adams
Dr. Andrew Wakefield warns about coronavirus vaccines and outrageous legal immunity for vaccine makers in must-see interview
Dr. Andrew Wakefield, creator of the bombshell new film “1986: The Act,” unloads on the deep corruption of the criminal vaccine industry in a new Brighteon Conversations interview (below). As he explains in the interview, the 1986 decision by the U.S. Congress to grant total legal immunity to vaccine manufacturers has resulted in decades of […]
By Mike Adams
Big Pharma achieves total legal immunity for coronavirus vaccines; even as vaccine injections will be FORCED onto billions of people, potentially killing tens of millions
We have now arrived at the ultimate moneymaking scam for Big Pharma, a corrupt, criminal industry that’s going to great lengths to pressure Big Tech to censor all speech that doesn’t earn them more profits. Now, vaccine manufacturers like AstraZeneca are openly bragging about how they’ve achieved absolute legal immunity from all side effects caused […]
By Mike Adams
Moderna coronavirus vaccine causes side effects in over 50% of patients; antibodies disappear in 2-3 months, rendering the vaccine pointless
The widely-hyped Moderna coronavirus vaccine caused adverse events (side effects) in over 50% of clinical trial participants, including, “fatigue, chills, headache, myalgia, and pain at the injection site.” While it generates antibodies in the short term, new studies indicate those antibodies fade very quickly, rendering the vaccine pointless in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL: Covid-19 infection rate may be 440% higher among children who received FLU SHOTS… while health “authorities” madly push more shots for the coming flu season
A 2012 study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases finds that children who received inactivated influenza vaccines were 440% more likely (relative risk: 4.40; 95% confidence interval: 1.31-14.8) to acquire infections of respiratory viral pathogens which are not influenza. With the aggressive push for influenza immunizations now under way, the medical establishment may be setting […]
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